Contexual Studies : Conceptualising your own work

This is a piece of photography by the Photographer Ansel Adams, Adams was born in San Francisco, California on the twentieth of February 1902, and he died on The twenty second of April 1984. The following piece I am going to talk bout is called “loneliness” made in the 1920s. the American photographer is famous for his landscape photos his nature photos of the American west. This is an image of a man walking alone along the dessert, with his deserted footprints being left behind to show the viewer what Adams means by the title. Adams created this image to portray the fear of being alone, although when you look at the photo you immediately see the loneliness that is said as the title, you also see some other meanings like, the space surrounding and freedom of independence shown with the man just walking and he’s very comfortable being alone. This confuses the eye of the viewer into thinking why has Adams named the photo “loneliness”. Adams shows depth well, where the man is in the distance and the footprints are what you notice first. The time and space is shown well as you can see the first thing you see is the footprints in the bottom left corner where the man walked minutes before the photo was taken. This shows the meaning well because you see only the footprints of one man, which shows he is alone, so you know there’s not a meaning hidden within the image. I have used this piece of work by Adams because this piece is very similar to my piece of work shown below.

This is an image of my own. I decided to take a photograph of my footprints left in the snow on the second of December 2010, I did this because this would show a part of my journey taken in my life which I was documenting for my piece. Even though when you look at the image you don’t see the footprints clearly, I find it unusual and the thought of not knowing is very inviting. This makes the viewer want to look more into the image to find out what is going on and why I made this piece. I was inspired by the photography Ansel Adams because I have seen a few pieces of his work where he documents the journey through time, with the piece “loneliness” where he documents a mans footprints while the man walks in the sand. The artist Richard Long also inspired me in this piece because he documents journeys in a similar way of his travelling all around the world. This image is the original, have decided not to edit the image because I find the roughness very affective in showing the simplicity of my meaning, (My Journey, space and time). When looking at the image I see a long path that shows no ending, this adds depth and creates an effect, which makes you feel that my journey is never ending.